
Sarah Fay: Substack Writers@Work and Sarah Fay, Author site

“Nan has a keen eye for branding that pops yet is also elegant. The best of both worlds. I so enjoyed working with her on making my Substack my website (which has never been done before). She brought what I had in mind to fruition. Hire her!”

Jodi Sh. Doff: The Long Goodbye: Dementia Caregiving

“Struggling with Substack’s stubborn wordmark was driving me crazy. It was too small to be useful and resisted being customized. After exhausting my own skills and resources (aka Google), I did the smart thing and turned to Nan Tepper at StyleYourStack. Nan has the actual tech skills and design experience I needed. I was already familiar with some of Nan’s design work for Woodstock Bookfest and her website, Nan Tepper Design. I liked her sensibility: minimalist but with a big impact. She was able to wrangle my wordmark into what I wanted. Next time, I’ll go straight to StyleYourStack and save myself the aggravation of insisting “I can do it all myself,” because, I can’t. But, I have Nan, so I don’t have to.”

Abigail Thomas, master memoirist: What Comes Next?

“As far as computers go, I know how to write on one and how to open email. That’s it. I am a technical illiterate. But I know a good thing when I see it, and after Nan did whatever she did to my Substack page, all I can tell you is I don’t need a website anymore. I love how it looks. So if you are anything like me, or just don’t have the time, give Nan a call. She has a great eye, and she really knows her stuff.”

Nancy Jainchill: The Armchair Journalist

“When I decided that it was time for me to have my own Substack page, I knew I'd need help. Fortunately, I knew Nan Tepper could make it happen. She'd already designed and manages my website, so I knew how skilled she was with the visual elements that are key, including the wordmark, welcome page, and logo image-specifics to Substack. Not only great with the technical aspects, Nan teaches you enough to do it for yourself. This week I scheduled my own post, a big deal! I couldn't have done any of this without Nan.”